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How Do You Know What You Know?

Who should read the book?

Every thinking person!

If you want to fill the lacuna in the self-help world, investigate the core problem and need a fresh approach...one that can solve problems and achieve goals.

Have you ever wondered ....read more why smart people do dumb things?

If you haven't yet found the answer to why your life is the way it is...despite having tried many things..having read many "how to" books...having attended many workshops.

If you want to know the REAL answers to being more happy...more successful in work and in relationships...more peaceful.

If you want to write a better story for your life by thinking right.

So, gift yourself the life you deserve!

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Why do I need the book?

About the Author

Janki Santoke Ph.D holds a doctorate in philosophy. She is a reputed scholar of Vedanta and is a senior disciple of Swami Parthasarathy.

For the past three decades ....read more, she has been serving society through Vedanta in a variety of ways.

She delivers lectures in weekly classes, retreats and workshops for the general public.

Conducts training sessions for corporate executives.

Runs courses in colleges.

Writes articles for newspapers like Times of India, Speaking Tree, Economic Times.

Has a YouTube channel: Team Janki Santoke.

She also has a keen interest in English literature, mythology, Sanskrit and logical thinking.

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Preface and Table of Contents


Preface: Think Your Way through Life

1.    Groundless Beliefs: Is Your Thinking Ruining You?

2.    Perception: Is Seeing Believing?

3.    Inference: Jumping to Conclusions?

4.    Comparison: Using Untruth to Reveal the Truth?

5.    Authority: My Head or Yours?

6.    Experience: Is Older, Wiser?

7.    Virtue: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things?

8.    Nature Determines Judgment: Why Is One Man's Reason, Another's Absurdity?

9.    Gaining Knowledge: Are We Smarter Than Google?

10.    Thoughtlessness: I Think, Therefore I Am Not

Epilogue: The Final Dot

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Daniel Carroll -- Critical Thinker ....Read review

Sanjay Kothary -- Vice President - Larsen & Toubro Infotech ....Read review

Surekha Ghogale ....Read review

The Narrators -- Lina Mathias, Vinod H, Reshma Jain ....Read review

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